Crime and punishment_罪与罚英语读后感800字
2021-12-10 23:12:44

After seeing dustto's "sin and punishment", he felt shocked and moved from time to time. In "crime and punishment", the actor Lasikenafu with its clever, but isolated mind, construct a theory: the extraordinary great often have the nature of the crime, because he needs to construct a new system, this construction will bring great destruction; therefore, the crime is reasonable. Not only did he build the theory, but he did it. He believed he could be Napoleon, but he had no chance of being poor because of his poverty in the same way as Napoleon did. Napoleon tried hard to win opportunities and even shed blood. He also needed opportunities. So he killed the old women who had been talking about the old women and robbed them of their money. But he never imagined that he was forced to kill another innocent, miserable, poor old woman. Ambition is not Lasikenafu egoistic heart, it is love. However, in order to achieve the ideal and some means, it has led to a murder of the society. All the prosecutors, all from the profit explain the murder, until a love on the thought of prosecutors, he will immediately investigate the direction to Lasikenafu, through the paper, find the motive for the murders.

The novel the protagonist Russ Karl Raskolnikov crime and by conscience and moral punishment as the main line, extensive description of the plight of the poor in the city and Russia cornered the increasingly sharp social contradictions. The author's capital was a scene of complete darkness Petersburg gathered on the market: the grass was beaten blue eyes of prostitutes, polluted water in the river and drowned struggling workers, and small civil servants were knocked down by the carriages in the street, a mad woman with children begging on the streets...... At the same time, the old woman usury widened his fierce eyes, the poor would drain the last drop of sweat, mercenary philistine at deception, framed against means "little people", in order to achieve the purpose of self, and noble landlords to meet their vicious beyond measure to continue to dry out the beast, the horrific...... The author with sincere sympathy and filled with anger, the Beijing 1860s Russia darkness, poverty, despair and dirty together relentlessly displayed in front of the reader.

The most attractive book in Dostoevsky is the Raskolnikov crime psychological description. La Schol Nikov is a typical figure with dual personality: he is a poor and very good hearted and helpful young man, a young man with a sense of justice, but at the same time, his personality is gloomy and eccentric. He met a young woman harassed in the park, and he paid her a few of his only money to pay for her car. When the carriage was injured in the Maermeilatuo husband, he sent him home, see them even funeral money can not get out, took mother just to send this money to send them an orphan and widow. You know that money is not easily won, is the mother to pull Sikeernikefu pension as collateral to borrow, is all his money. But at the same time he was an unrefined person, gloomy and lonely... He was overwhelmed by poverty, and he owed the landlady a debt, afraid to meet her, and even fear to see anyone. The cat like always like the stairs quietly slipped away, let the past, who also don't see him. The young man was accumulated so much anger in anger, he despised everything, so in spite of his psychological aimianzi typical of young people, sometimes pay great attention to detail, but wearing the rags out, did not feel shy.

This month, it gives me a strong heart shock and deep thinking. Now it is necessary to say goodbye to it, and there are some sentimentality in my heart. In fact, it will not leave me, the deep thought has become a part of me. Dostoy's Toy Jef J Ki has died; but his thoughts are always alive. This crime and punishment, which is accomplished with great artistic expression and great compassion, will not die. It will lie in the library quietly, waiting for the next reader to open it. Every time it opens, it will be a rebirth.




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