2021-12-10 23:16:38

  I first knew the book titled The Three of Us in a column on the magazine of Reading. Spurred by deep interests, I decided to buy this book. Busy with study, I failed to finish reading the book at that time. Until recently, I settled down to finish the second half left.


  The Three of Us, written by Yang Jiang at the age of 92, is a book to recall the past days full of happiness, hardships, love and sadness, spent with her husband, Mr. Qian Zhongshu and her sole daughter, Qian Yuan.


  In the beginning, I did not understand what the words mean in the second part, such as boat, ancient post road, roadhouse and the dreamlike “long long dream”. Later, I understood these words are a portrayal of the life journey spent by her family together.


  The third part of the book started from her post-marriage life, study at Oxford, birth of Qian Yuan, return to motherland during the period of Anti-Japanese War, working in the countryside during the Great Cultural Revolution and family reunion. From birth to death, from gathering to departure, all the ups and downs, happiness and sadness, and pains and wishes of the 63 years from 1935 to 1998 are narrated in a fine and detailed manner. From the simple and unadorned words full of true emotions, I felt the clinging watch between two generations, the trying wait and profound emotions among them. Despite that they experienced lots of hardships during that turbulent times and suffered the torture of pains, all these were so small things as compared with the deep love between them supporting each other to spend the sixty-three years full of ups and downs.


  Yang Jiang recalled the past with plain words, from which I felt the taste of warmness and her cool state of mind, like the calm and soft sunshine in winter, with neither heart-stricken words and sentences, nor piercing cries, or not even a slight of complaints in those difficult times of the Great Cultural Revolution. Every line is filled with calmness and misses for her husband and her daughter, touching the readers deeply. Between the lines, the harmony, peace, childlike life attitude and the family’s optimism and open-mindedness stand vividly in the writing. Just like the words at the end of the book, it is a long long dream full of searching and seeking; and this is a simple and warm scholar’s family with mutual help and support, gathering and losses.


  “The three of us” is the most common combination in a family on the earth and also the most ordinary combination. But for Yang Jiang, she said that in case of difficulties, Zhongshu always takes responsibilities together with me, so difficulties are no more difficult; moreover, we have the company and help of A Yuan, so even the tough matters will finally become sweet things. With even a little happiness, we can become quite happy. The three of us is really an unusual encounter!


  In spite of vicissitudes of life, they still help and support each other in difficult times. Though “the three of us” were finally separated, the sincere emotions and true love cannot be cut and the meaning of a family is fully illustrated here.




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